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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Early Intervention Speech and Language Therapist09/10/2024Early InterventionSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Mental Health Technician09/10/2024Special EducationSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Part-Time English as a Second Language Program Instructor09/05/2024Curriculum DepartmentSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Part-Time Early Intervention Paraprofessional07/24/2024Support StaffSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Emotional Support Teacher07/10/2024Special EducationSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Behavior Interventionist06/05/2024CompensationSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Part-Time Evening Practical Nursing Instructor05/07/2024Adult EducationSchuylkill Technology Center North CampusApply
Computer Information Systems Instructor05/07/2024Vocational EducationSchuylkill Technology Center South CampusApply
Special Education Instructor-Life Skills Support05/01/2024Special EducationSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Career and Technology Educational Teacher Aide (Part-time)03/14/2024Support StaffSchuylkill Technology Center South CampusApply
Part Time (as needed) CDL Instructor02/26/2024Adult EducationSchuylkill Technology Center North CampusApply
Speech and Language Therapist02/08/2024Special Education CertifiedSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Substitute Custodian07/07/2022MaintenanceSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply
Paraprofessional (Maple Avenue Campus)01/26/2022Support StaffSchuylkill Intermediate Unit #29Apply